Don’t jump the gun Uncategorized Don’t jump the gun Now as you know, SmsDome has recently expanded into the Malaysia SMS marketing industry. And…Cassandra ChiamOctober 13, 2017
SMS Marketing – 1 magical second is all it takes B2B MarketingB2C MarketingMarketing StrategySMS marketing SMS Marketing – 1 magical second is all it takes As a Mobile Marketing company, we often find ourselves buried deep in information about… well……FrankJune 1, 2017
A woman without her man is nothing B2B MarketingB2C MarketingCustomer communicationsFood for thought A woman without her man is nothing Oops, I did it again! Without punctuation, this sentence sounds as sexist as it gets.…Cassandra ChiamMay 7, 2017
People like to buy, not to be sold B2C MarketingFood for thoughtMarketing People like to buy, not to be sold Have you asked yourself a question like ‘Why do you buy stuff? There is a…Cassandra ChiamMay 5, 2017
What If SMS is a Perfect Accessory for Customer Service Customer communicationsFood for thoughtMarketing What If SMS is a Perfect Accessory for Customer Service We are all familiar with businesses using SMS for marketing. They come in forms of…Cassandra ChiamNovember 4, 2016
Filling up huge rooms with short messages B2C MarketingCustomer communicationsMarketingSMS marketing Filling up huge rooms with short messages Turn up rates have always been quite the challenge when organizing any form of event.…FrankOctober 24, 2016
Anybody you’re marketing to have something in common. Guess What. Food for thoughtMarketing Anybody you’re marketing to have something in common. Guess What. Only recently, we were managing some prize redemption for one of our favorite clients, a…FrankOctober 17, 2016
My Internship at SmsDome Uncategorized My Internship at SmsDome Hello there! I’m Chelsea, the “latest” Marketing Intern for SmsDome. 😀 My internship in SmsDome…Chelsea LeeOctober 7, 2016
5 simple reasons why you should choose SMS Marketing Food for thoughtMarketingSMS marketing 5 simple reasons why you should choose SMS Marketing 1. Affordable and straightforward SMS Marketing is definitely much cheaper than advertising your business through…Chelsea LeeSeptember 1, 2016
Marketing Knocked up a Notch Customer communicationsFood for thoughtMarketing StrategySMS marketing Marketing Knocked up a Notch Every so often I will see a word as if for the first time, and…FrankAugust 30, 2016